SJ: New, improved and updated

This blog has been flaky since an incident happened which caused this blog to be relocated to another server. However, After about two solid days of work trying to fix much of its brokenness (especially the audio/video), things are pretty much all fixed. There are still problems whenever a link to a video for streaming doesn’t work, and I need to fix those. But most of the A/V files seem to display and be heard. Other blog plugins are also being fixed and improved upon, to enhance your reading experience.

Here is a video to test the “Add Media” functions in the editor:

Views: 298

Strider’s Journal is back on the air

Last weekend, the site was down for two days due to a host of errors, both man-made and computer-generated. For most of this week, until a few moments ago, I was locked out of my site, automatic twittering was disabled, just a mess. Well, I can finally log in, and let’s hope I can clean a few things up.

One of the problems was an erroneous buy tramadol no perscription domain change. Things have been changed back to normal from our end, but it will take a long time (more than a couple of days) for the domain name change to propagate back to the way it was worldwide.

Posting has gone on automatically as expected, in my absence, so at least something was working.

Well, I’m back again. Home sweet home.

Views: 56