In case you are out of blogging ideas again …

I can’t seem to get enough of these automated blog idea generators. I have written about them before. These sites can easily be google’d, and I am not sure if it matters who they are. They are pretty much the same, and if you are that desparate for blog ideas, you are welcome to take advantage of these. I don’t much care for them.

I entered: author, election, fraud, coffee, and keyboard to one blog topic engine that asked for 5 words.

The results, once again, were mildly amusing, and a constant reminder to follow my own creative muse rather than rely on a bot to tell me what to write:

  • Author: Expectations versus reality
  • Will election ever rule the world?
  • The next big thing in keyboard
  • Coffee explained in 140 characters
  • 8 things your competitors don’t want you to know about fraud

3 thoughts on “In case you are out of blogging ideas again …”

  1. Hey there! We really enjoy reading people’s blogs and the inspiring content that creators like you produce . Your unique experiences enriches the diverse online community that we all cherish. Keep sharing and inspiring your audience, because your creativity can make a positive impact on the world. We can’t wait to see what you’ll produce next!

    Thanks- Jason

  2. Hey there! Came across your post on the WordPress feed and couldn’t resist saying hello. I’m already hooked and eagerly anticipating more captivating posts. Can’t seem to find the follow button, haha! Guess I’ll have to bookmark your blog instead. But rest assured, I’ll be keeping an eye out for your updates!

    1. I generally don’t permit or seek out any kind of advertising on my blog, as I run this blog as a hobby; I am dong it for fun. I generally tend to delete any links I links I see; or if not the entire post. You are welcome to leave a comment, but I reserve the right to edit it so it suits my policy. The aim of comments is to discuss the topic at hand in the blog article, not to serve as a vehicle for free advertising. I may later decide to go “commercial”, at which point I would charge for ads, and I would still not permit links or solicitations in the comments.

      I don’t need a “follow” button, because I am the only writer for this blog. So you are doing the right thing by bookmarking.

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