Crappy Album Covers #312 — Hard-lookin’ album covers

This entry concerns guys whose faces should not have been so prominent as the selling point of a record  album. 

One thing for sure, you won’t forget this guy’s face, so it does have that going for it. discusses albums like this, where, with the advent of shareware graphics packages, along with faster computers, anyone with a 486 and up could have easily put together an album cover like this in minutes in the mid-90s.

Songs include heartwarming titles such as “If I die tonight because I’ll kill you, would you be sure that you would go to Heaven?” Kinda makes you feel closer to God, doesn’t it?

Nothing like a hard-looking hippie posing as some kind of “Nature Boy” to make you want to cling to city life that much more. 

Eden Ahbez (1908-1995) wrote the smash hit “Nature Boy” in the mid-40s which became a #1 hit for 8 weeks.

WIkipedia discusses a day in the life of the eccentric Eden Ahbez:

Living a bucolic life from at least the 1940s, he traveled in sandals and wore shoulder-length hair and beard, and white robes. He camped out below the first L in the Hollywood Sign above Los Angeles and studied Oriental mysticism. He slept outdoors with his family and ate vegetables, fruits, and nuts. He claimed to live on three dollars per week.

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