The unusual and strange from news and popular culture.
Crappy Album Covers #272 — Lone Ranger References
I’ve heard it all since my childhood… The Lone Drycleaner, and others. But here is “Metal Rap” from a group called Lone Rager, released no later than 1984.
This is metal, so while it goes against my no-metal policy, it is not a shocking cover as you can see … Just stupid.
A Lone Rager vid appears below.
And here is the Lone Arranger. This 1980 LP by Ernest Gusella must have been where Russell Oliver got his ideas from (see video below).
The 10 tracks of experimental/Jazz music have titles such as “Body Art Disco”, and “Pissin’ in the Snow”. You might want to play this on your second date at the very earliest.
Here is Metal RAPsody by Lone Rager:
Ta da!!! Here is Russell Oliver, the Loan Arranger:
And here is an Air Farce satire on Russell Oliver: