This list of signs that you have become outdated and fossilized is an updated version of the original post found at this site. Today’s kids who will be old enough to graduate this year (we’ll say 18) will have the following traits:
- The kids who are now 18 were born in 1992.
- The Soviet Union collapsed a year before their birth (1991).
- Apartheid ended before they were born (also 1991).
- Operation Desert Storm happened before they were born.
- Nelson Mandela was freed before they were born.
- The Hubble space telescope was launched before their lifetimes.
- They would not have had a memory of seeing Lech Walesa become the first president of an independent Poland.
- They were just born the year the L. A. riots happened over the Rodney King verdict.
- They would have only learned about the Exxon Valdez or the Tiannanmen Square massacre either through their parents or their teachers.
- The fall of the Berlin Wall as a publicity stunt for Ronald Regan’s historical stature is something they have only heard about second or third-hand.
- These kids were not alive during the Regan era.
- They do not have a meaningful recollection of the era under Bush I either.
- Kids graduating today have not known a world where DNA evidence was not used to convict criminals
- Black Monday, and the stock market crash in 2008 both have the same significance to them as the Great Depression.
- To them, “The interenet” consists only of the Web, chat groups, and text messaging.
- They have never known a world that didn’t have a hole in the ozone layer.
- The Thriller album and video are a fossilized piece of rock history.
- While we’re at it, rock videos themselves have been on the decline during their lifetimes in favour of YouTube and internet videos.
- E. T. is a movie their parents like.
- Pac-man is something their parents played
- They have never played Atari games, except on their parent’s antique consoles.
- Their grandparents saw the original Star Trek.
- Their world has always involved the risk of AIDS
- Their parents were already too old for “new wave” music
- The original Star Wars movies are something kids see now on movie reruns or from DVDs from the delete bin.
- Their view of the 1970s does not seem to consist of a wasteland of K-Tel and disco.