Not clear on this idea of double-barreled handguns. Especially guns that use actual wooden barrels to guide the bullet.
Some guns are not made for actual shooting, I suppose.
Dave and Ansel Collins put this reggae album out in 1971. The title track of this album peaked at #22 on Billboard back then. It was a bigger hit in the UK, where it topped the singles chart.
If that’s double-barrel, then it’s a trigger and a hammer short.
There’s farmer John with a rifle. And there’s the broad side of a barn. I think he missed.
After farmer John’s 10th attempt at seeing if he could hit the broad side of a barn with his shotgun, Joe and Bill come on the scene, trying to take the gun away, because he is getting dangerous with it.
And, during the ensuing struggle, the damned thing goes off again.